Understanding the differences between flake ice and tube ice

You may have heard that “all ice is the same”, right? Well, that’s not true! There are many factors that can influence the quality of produced ice, which ends up affecting commercial and industrial services. The biggest example of this is flake ice and tube ice, whose differences go far beyond their shape and we explain everything in this article. Check it out! 

What determines the quality of ice? 

Before getting into details about the differences between flake ice and tube ice, it is important to understand the factors that determine their quality. The first is water, the main raw material, which must be filtered and treated according to Ordinance No. 2.914, of December 12, 2011, which regulates its control and surveillance procedures for human consumption. 

Then, the ice machine used must comply with current regulations for proper production, such as not using charcoal for water filtration and having a structure that avoids contamination, such as 304 stainless steel. In these aspects, Calabria is a reference in quality and economy. Flake ice and tube ice machines also do not require salt in production, so the produced ice can be placed directly in beverages or used for contact with food without altering the taste, for example. 

What is the difference between flake ice and tube ice? 

One of the most common questions among those who invest in an industrial ice machine is which type is best for their business: flake ice or tube ice? To help with this decision, we have listed the main differences and uses of each: 

Tube ice 

Tube-shaped ice is the most suitable type for human consumption. Therefore, it is widely used by bars and restaurants for cooling. It is generally used to accompany and cool drinks such as juices and soft drinks. 

Tube ice can also serve as an extra source of income for companies that sell their production to third parties. Finally, it represents a great saving for any business, as with a tube ice machine there is no longer a need to buy from other companies. 

Flake ice 

Flake-shaped ice is the most suitable for cooling and preserving beverages and food, as it has a larger contact surface with these items. For this reason, it is widely used in fishmongers and buffets. 

In addition, it can be used in bakeries, in the transport of vaccines, and even in the construction industry, for example. The bread that people usually consume contains flake ice in the dough, which is used to ensure that fermentation occurs at the ideal temperature, without delaying or accelerating production. This ensures that bakeries always deliver a soft, fresh, and tasty bread. 

In vaccine transport, cold is essential for preserving and maintaining the efficacy of these vaccines. Flake ice allows for ideal storage, with three parts of ice to one of vaccine. Because of this, vaccines are kept at the ideal temperature and can be stored until the expiration date established by the manufacturer. 

But did you know that the construction industry also depends on flake ice? It is placed in concrete in large-scale works, such as hydroelectric dams, for example. This is necessary to reduce internal thermal stresses, preventing an infinity of pieces from cracking and deteriorating. 

Invest in an ice machine! 

Now that you know the differences between flake ice and tube ice, you can invest confidently in a machine that is suitable for your business! Calabria’s ice machines, both for flake and tube ice, manufacture a drinkable product that is ideal for direct contact with food, without interfering with its taste, as well as a varied range of applications. 

The machines are also ultra-compact and can be installed in small spaces without compromising performance. Contact us and request your quote! 

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