Imagem mostra a mão e o braço de uma pessoa branca. Ela segura uma taça com gelo e uma bebida de tom amarelado dentro. No topo da taça há uma fatia de abacaxi. O fundo da imagem está desfocado, mas é possível ver parte de uma paisagem e o mar.

How to increase the profit of your ice business at the end of the year

The end of the year is a great time for businesses in the ice industry to increase their profit: whether due to the hotter days or the market heating up as a result of receiving 13th salaries, profit sharing, and vacation advances. To ensure that you don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your earnings, we’ve put together some valuable tips to help you organize your business and prepare for the demands of this period. Check them out in this article! 

Plan end-of-year campaigns 

Well-planned marketing campaigns are a powerful way to stimulate end-of-year sales! Through them, you can increase your revenue, acquire new customers, and retain those you already have. To do this, understand which segments have sought you out the most throughout the year (such as bars, restaurants, retailers, hotels, etc.), and invest in targeted promotion to this audience on different channels: your website, social media, online store, etc. 

If you have already run a campaign at another time, you can use it as a basis to understand which channels and business segments had the highest conversion rates. 

Invest in offers and promotions 

Offers and promotions help to encourage your customers to make a purchase. However, to avoid losses, it is important to plan ahead. Consider the available resources before promoting your offer, and observe what the competition is offering. 

Offering product packages, discounts for a limited time, gifts with purchase, and even donating a portion of the purchase price to a social cause are some ways to stimulate your sales. 

To increase your ice business profits at the end of the year, there are several strategies you can implement. One is to plan your end-of-year campaigns and invest in targeted advertising for your key audiences across different channels. You can also offer promotions and carefully estimate costs to avoid losses. 

It’s also important to organize your inventory and orders with suppliers, and make the purchasing process as easy as possible for your customers. Additionally, expanding your ice factory with the necessary equipment can help you meet increased demand during the colder months. 

If you’re interested in expanding your ice factory, Calabria offers a complete line of equipment, including tube or flake ice machines, semi-automatic packaging machines, cold storage or freezing chambers, and silos. Contact their sales team or request a quote to learn about their special end-of-year conditions for purchasing an ice machine. 

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